Walnut Grove Cemetery

The Founding Of Walnut Grove Cemetery
In the months of November and December, 1858 several meetings of the citizens were held to discuss public burial grounds, at one of which, George Taylor, Heoratio Wright, and James Fuson were appointed a Committee to examine grounds, obtain terms, Etc. and report at some future meeting. The committee submitted their final report in December of 1858, at which time the meeting tendered them a vote of thanks for their services, and excused their further action by the appointment of another committee, consisting of G.H. Griswold, C.E. Bun, A.S. Chapman who were required in addition to their general duties, to report articles of association. The attention of the committee having been directed to the present grounds, by Col. Miles Pinney and after fully viewing and examining the same, called another meeting and reported, strongly recommending the grounds as the best in the Township, and also reported articles of association, which were considered by the meeting. The owner of the site Mr. Hoyt, being present, and having made known his terms, which were not satisfactory, the meeting adjourned without any definite action.
George Taylor Esquire, having viewed and measured the grounds, and believing that more favorable terms could be obtained, called another meeting on January 19, 1859, when it was resolved to hold a mass meeting on the grounds the succeeding day January 20, 1859. The meeting on the grounds was well attended, when G.H. Griswold, C.E. Bun, and George Taylor were appointed a Committee to call on Mr. Hoyt, then at work in a distant part of the field and make a contract if possible for the grounds and report to the meeting forthwith. The committee returned and reported that they had agreed upon the purchase of the whole tract, near fifty acres, for $2,150.00, with the view of selling all beyond 10 acres, and thereby reduce the cash of the quantity remaining, and granting the right to take possession of the 10 acres for the Cemetery immediately. Where upon the terms of the purchase being satisfactory, it was resolved to meet and labor on the grounds the Saturday following. Miles Pinney, Heoratio Wright, and Peter Barker to superintend operations. Thomas Daniel, Civil Engineer, was invited by the meeting to prepare, with the advice of the principal committee, a plat of the grounds for the association. George Taylor Jr. and F. Topping were requested to assist in the necessary survey. The processing of a road to the grounds, and also the sale of the lands beyond 10 acres, and all general interests were referred to the former committee, Messieurs Griswold, Bun and Taylor, and the meeting adjourned until tomorrow evening January 21, 1859 at the Cottage of Moses L. Wilkison, Chairman of the four last public meetings.
The First Burial At Walnut Grove Cemetery
January 29, 1859
James N. Taylor having died, and it being desirable to bury him in the new grounds, a few persons met and worked at further improvements, January 31, 1859 Committee gave notice of an election to be held February 21, 1859.
February 1, 1859
The first funeral and burial in Walnut Grove Cemetery was held today, the procession was the largest ever seen here, composed of the Masonic Fraternity and citizens. A grave had been prepared on the southerly portion of the grounds, but found to be a little too wet, was moved to the north bank, where James H. Taylor was buried.
The First Trustees Of Walnut Grove Cemetery
February 21, 1859
The first election held. Richard Sevis, George Taylor, G.G. Wilcox elected Trustees. G. H. Griswold, Clerk, and Horatio Wright Treasurer
Title Papers And Payment For Walnut Grove Cemetery
February 26, 1859
Title papers executed between Mr. Hoyt and the newly elected Trustees
April 4, 1859
Annual Township and Corporation election. Township voted tax, $800.00, to pay for grounds. Notice to that effect having been previously given.
Walnut Grove Becomes A Union Cemetery
June 12, 1860
The Town Council consisting of George Taylor, Mayor. Orange Johnson, Recorder, Rev. Benjamin Fry, Walter Foss, James Beers, Dr. Goble, and Thomas Daniel, held a meeting, and on motion of Rev. Benjamin Fry it was Resolved, by The Town Council of the incorporated Village of Worthington, That we as a Council unite with The Trustees of Sharon Township in all matters pertaining to buying and improving Cemetery Grounds for the use of said Village and Township.
June 14, 1860
The Council met pursuant to adjournment. The Trustees of Sharon Township having passed a Resolution to unite with The Town Council for buying and improving Cemetery Grounds common to both. The two bodies there held a joint session.
A Union Cemetery is a cemetery owned and operated by more than one municipality, by Ohio Revised Code Sections 759.27,159.28, 759.29.