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Walnut Grove Cemetery

Burial Options and Pricing

Residents of Worthington, Sharon Township, or Riverlea

The pricing options listed below are the standard rate. Reduced rates are available for residents of Worthington, Sharon Township or Riverlea. A resident is defined as one who pays their taxes to Sharon Township, residency is not based on the school district in which a property owner resides.


We show our gratitude for veterans by offering a 10% discount.

Standard Burial Options

There is currently a wait list for standard size spaces at Walnut Grove and they are limited to only those individuals who are current residents of Worthington, Sharon Township or Riverlea.

Cremation Burial Options

There are cremation niches available at Walnut Grove for purchase.

Interment and Foundation Fees

The Cemetery charges a fee to open and close the grave (interment fee). Graveside services must be completed by 3:30 p.m. during the week and by 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, or extra fees will be charged.

Disinterment Fees

Disinterments are performed Monday through Friday.

Walnut Grove Cemetery

5561 Milton Rd
Worthington, Ohio 43085

Office Hours @ Walnut Grove

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 3:00 pm

If you would like to visit in person, please call ahead so we can be sure to be available to meet with you.

Flint Cemetery

By appointment only

8187 Flint Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43235

Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries Logo

© Walnut Grove and Flint Union Cemeteries

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